Monday, November 12, 2012

Corrected Formula

As I reached the Roadshow phase, I got access to the skill Just-In-Time. This allows me to stockpile more goods. However, it invalidated the formula I just posted. I have a new approximation which includes JIT.

122.644 * Capacity * Inventory


Employees * Demo * TPerk * 60 (seconds/min) * TJIT

where TPerk is Perk / 100 + 1, eg. 800 % Perk, TPerk = 9.00
where TJIT = 100 / (JIT bonus + 100), eg. 100/350

As a worked example, I'll take my Jewelry store.

122.644 * 36979 * 16569 * 100
15 * 3602 * 9.8867 * 60 * 350

= 669.87 minutes
= 11.16 hours = 11 hours 10 mins which approximates 11:09:58 given by the game.

Have fun,

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